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BBQ pizza

"Wood-Fired Barbecue Pizza Recipe: Elevate Your Outdoor Cooking Experience


Get ready to fire up the grill and indulge in the ultimate wood-fired barbecue pizza experience. Follow our simple recipe to create a mouthwatering masterpiece that will impress your friends and family.


- Pizza dough (homemade or store-bought)

- Barbecue sauce

- Smoked chicken or pulled pork

- Red onions, thinly sliced

- Bell peppers, diced

- Mozzarella cheese, shredded

- Fresh cilantro, chopped (optional)

- Olive oil

- Salt and pepper to taste

1. Prepare your wood-fired grill and bring it to medium-high heat, aiming for a temperature around 400-450°F (200-230°C).

2. Roll out the pizza dough on a floured surface to your desired thickness, ensuring it will fit on your pizza peel or a large wooden board.

3. Brush olive oil over one side of the dough to prevent sticking and ease the transfer onto the grill.


4. Carefully place the oiled side of the dough onto the preheated grill. Cook for 2-3 minutes with the lid closed, or until the bottom is lightly charred and has grill marks.

5. Using the pizza peel or a large spatula, flip the dough over onto the grill. Quickly spread barbecue sauce over the cooked side of the dough, leaving a small border around the edges.

6. Layer the smoked chicken or pulled pork evenly over the barbecue sauce. Scatter the sliced red onions and diced bell peppers on top.

7. Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese over the toppings, ensuring even coverage.

8. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and add chopped cilantro for an extra burst of flavor if desired.


9. Close the grill lid and continue cooking for an additional 5-7 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly, and the crust is cooked to your desired crispiness.

10. Once done, carefully remove the pizza from the grill using the pizza peel or a large spatula. Transfer it to a cutting board and let it cool for a minute before slicing.


11. Serve hot and enjoy the smoky goodness of wood-fired barbecue pizza right from your grill!

With this easy-to-follow recipe, you can take your outdoor cooking skills to the next level and impress everyone with the irresistible flavors of wood-fired barbecue pizza. Gather around the grill and savor every delicious bite!"